Running Academy Tokyo - February 2019
Following our Running Academy coaching sessions in Tokyo in March 2018, we will be returning to Tokyo next February to offer more of our coaching sessions for endurance runners of all abilities. Our sessions last for two hours and are for two runners. We cover running form and exercises to improve it, dynamic stretching and drills, video analysis, treatment such as massage, acupuncture and taping as necessary, and advice about any aspects of running such as nutrition, injury-prevention, and race preparation.
Our sessions will be on Saturday 16 and Sunday 17 February 2019 at the following times: 8:30am to 10:30am; 10:30am to 12:30pm; 1:30pm to 3:30pm, and 3:30pm to 5:30pm. The venue will be Tokyo's Inokashira Park. The cost per person per session is ¥18,000. For more details or to book a session, please contact Atsue on 0044 (0)7960 333387 or
Atsue Morinaga is a therapist who qualified in physiotherapy in Japan, and runs her own practice in South Kensington specialising in acupuncture, massage and other therapies. Mara Yamauchi is a former elite marathon runner, two-time Olympian, London Marathon runner-up, and now UK Athletics-qualified coach. By combining Atsue's skills in diagnosis and treatment with Mara’s coaching skills and experience as an elite athlete, we aim to provide a comprehensive support service to endurance runners of all abilities.
森永あつえ & マーラ ヤマウチ:ランニング アカデミーを東京で2019年2月に再び開催
料金:一人あたり ¥18,000 (施設使用料込み)
電話:(+44)07960333387 /
Atsue Morinaga and Mara Yamauchi, 31 October 2018